Thursday 23 June 2011

Building blocks

Funky Prints
One of the key factors to sewing attractive, wearable clothing is obviously the fabric. This has been a bit of a hurdle for me, living here in Korea. The city I live in is a fairly large city, yet there is only one sewing/fabric store that I am aware of and most of the fabric sold there is of the pastel flower variety. This is not what I'm looking for so I have learned to keep my eyes open for nice looking/feeling fabrics in any shape and form, be it scarves, old shirts, or pants. I was in heaven when my family spent 6 months of last year in Japan. I lived in walking distance of a fabric store and could easily take a train to 2-3 others. I loaded up on fabric but, upon arriving home, it appears that I was being "sensible" and I've almost burnt through my stash. I have ordered online a few times in the past but have often been dissatisfied with the fabric I received, but being desperate, I decided to give it one more go. My order arrived this afternoon and I'm beyond excited!
It's only been about a week since I started this blog, but already it's fulfilled two of its purposes: 1) to organize my projects and 2) to see what needs to be worked on should I start my own online business in the future. The answer to #2? Just about everything. At least to start a real business anyway. After taking another look at some of my favorite crafting/sewing blogs, reality hit me - there's no way I'm ever going to get my blog to look like that. And those women sew circles around me! But, I'm not discouraged since, after all, my main goal was never to get rich or even make a living from sewing but rather to enjoy sewing and hopefully be able to make something that someone else would be interested in having/buying. So, I ordered these fabrics for my foray into the world of flea market sales. Some of these fabrics will be shoulder bags. Some will be kiddie aprons or "animal carriers" and others will be fabric swatches waiting to become a little girl's custom-made dress. And some, like the fabulous seersucker below, will be used to make a couple of little boys very, very happy.
Seersucker (a.k.a. "train conductor pants material")

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