Thursday, 1 December 2011


I know, it's been a really long time since I've posted anything here. But I do have a good excuse - I swear! I've been busy with work and being a mom, filling an order for pillow case dresses (hihi, thanks Shannon...I feel so professional saying that!) But wait! I AM professional. Turns out that we got the gov't small business grant after all! I'm beyond excited and can't wait to get started. Luckily, starting in two weeks I'll have about 3 months off of work so I can hopefully get everything put together in time for spring/summer which would most definitely be my peak season considering my goods. I've been busy planning what we'll need and daydreaming about all the fabric I'll be able to afford now! So, I'm not sure how much I'll be posting on here anymore. As soon as possible I think I'll try to get my new professional site up and running so I'll be sure to post a link to that. Wish me luck!